Whilst few people find injections enjoyable, some people find them to be extremely unpleasant and difficult or impossible to manage.
Pilates is one of the most suitable forms of exercise to support your body after a diagnosis of Osteoporosis. However even when practising Pilates, we need to consider this condition and make some changes to our usual Pilates routines in order to give our bones what they need.
A year into this pandemic, there is much concern about the long term effects on people’s mental health. As far back as June 2020, the Office for National Statistics reported worrying indicators.
Tight and uncomfortable hips are very common. Particularly in practices like Pilates. Tight and overworked hip flexors can really get in the way of comfort and achievement.
‘Yangsheng’ is a Chinese phrase made up of the characters ‘Yang’ (meaning to support, raise, nourish or keep), together with ‘Sheng’ (meaning giving birth, life or being alive).
By learning to tap into the present moment you start looking at your situation differently. You may have already learned how to do this through mindfulness or meditation practices.
Around 1% of the Japanese population suffer from Hikikomori and despite economic and cultural differences, there are likely to be significant physical and mental health issues that will affect people in the UK and elsewhere for many years to come.
There are many things that can trigger cramps of course, so it is impossible to say for sure what is causing it at any given moment.
I have heard many different explanations from my patients of what they believe Sciatica is, which demonstrates how much misunderstanding there is in society.
Sometimes it’s good and right to be furious about something. Getting angry is not always wrong. For example, positive change can come from being angry at injustice or inequality.