The sacroiliac joint is the link from the lower back (lumbar region) to the pelvis. There are 2 sacroiliac joints, the left and right.
The greater trochanter is part of the boney architecture of the femur. It is what you feel when you press the outside of the upper thigh.
Meditation, Mindfulness, Other Therapies, Sports Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Yoga & Pilates
inWhy Does Chronic Pain Need a Holistic Approach?
We experience pain somewhere because our nerves detect an issue and helpfully flag this up to our central nervous system.
From the very beginning of our lives, we organise ourselves in response to our environment. We pull away from whatever is painful or overwhelming.
“What You Resist Persists” is a popular saying and it applies to mental health as well as to movement health.
For many people, autumn is a time where depression looms and certain health conditions become more bothersome.
5 top tips that are less known in physical fitness and that yet make a powerful difference to your physical health and movement ability.
When it comes to leg and knee pain, it is generally believed that too much activity contributes to the cause and that rest is best.
Most of us experience some level of nervousness or discomfort when we suddenly feel that we are in the spotlight.
My dear mentor Betsy Polatin likes to remind us in her book “Humanumal”, that there are no such things as bad habits.