Work at The Body Matters is already starting to focus on the 2015 London Marathon. This will be our 5th great year of being involved.
Pain is “a sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage”, but what does that mean?
Osteopathy is helpful in the treatment of joints that have a reduced range of motion, seen in many musculoskeletal conditions.
Plantar Fasciitis is a common injury found in a lot of individuals including pregnant women and those who are on their feet most of the day.
This will be our 5th year involved with Havens Hospices, helping Golden Bond runners achieve their aim of finishing the London Marathon.
Remember, these are only guidelines. Therapy will help you perform optimally and prevent injury, but will not make you immune to injury!
There is a lack of education within the NHS and conventional medicine regarding how to diagnose and treat most common aches and pains.
Louise Johnson has built up a team of highly-qualified health professionals dedicated to bringing people’s bodies to the peak of performance.
After a long and tiring six weeks of school holidays, it may not feel like you’ve even had a holiday at all.
Humans evolved running for the hunt or escaping predators. This was done without the aid of comfy shoes and not on a concrete pavement.