Over the last several years I have been spending one day a week in London, teaching student Osteopaths the techniques.
If you’re reading this then I’d like to think you do well in looking after yourself, but it doesn’t hurt to give you a gentle reminder.
Almost everyone has suffered from sore, aching muscles (medically known as myalgia) at some point in their life.
Some people would think that I’m crazy, whilst others would certainly not believe that I would ever be able to keep silent for 10 whole days.
Runners’ knee, also known as Patello-femoral pain syndrome (PFPS), is a broad term for pain found around the kneecap when running or walking.
Although the cause of tendinitis is not fully understood it is generally thought that repeated overloading of the tendon via muscle overuse.
Work at The Body Matters is already starting to focus on the 2015 London Marathon. This will be our 5th great year of being involved.
Pain is “a sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage”, but what does that mean?
Osteopathy is helpful in the treatment of joints that have a reduced range of motion, seen in many musculoskeletal conditions.
Plantar Fasciitis is a common injury found in a lot of individuals including pregnant women and those who are on their feet most of the day.