I had a patient the other day who reported shoulder pain. She went on to say that a friend of hers had said it must be frozen shoulder.
5-a-day is not enough. To step up our consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, 7 servings is closer to the amount of nutrients we need.
Any intervention that is meant to aid a symptom will have side effects. If it didn’t then there would be no response to the treatment, good or bad.
The severity is mixed, with some people experiencing excruciating pain and other mild pain. Some recover within a few days, while others suffer for a couple of weeks.
The days are getting warmer at last, but if you suffer from hay fever, the approaching pollen season is likely to fill you with dread.
The summer holidays are here! Here are my 7 top tips on how diet and nutritional supplements can help you stay healthy this summer.
Because of the repetitive nature of the golf swing, injuries such as muscle pulls and tears or compression injuries can be relatively common.
The rotator cuff is found in your shoulder, and is a combination of a group of muscles that stabilise, and move your shoulder in different directions.
One of the most common, if not the most common problem in the clinic with patients is stiffness in the neck and shoulders.
Since the 1980s, more and more convenience foods became available, and more and more people could afford freezers and microwaves.