A few myths busted and facts confirmed in this V-log that I hope will help you understand what to look for when you plan to buy a pair of running trainers.
Since the 1990ies Pilates has become increasingly popular. Many of us try out Pilates at some point in our lives for various reasons.
For me, EFT is empowering and powerful. It has provided me with the skill set to work through painful emotions and physical pain.
The discovery of antibiotics in the first half of the 20th century changed the world. Until then, treading on a rusty nail could mean the end of you.
Problem gambling has been defined as ‘gambling to a degree that compromises, disrupts or damages family, personal or recreational pursuits’.
When injuries seem to just not want to heal, or pain and discomfort comes out of nowhere, stress often is an underlying factor.
An imbalance will inevitably lead to a problem further down the line when those habits feel much more natural and harder to break.
Many clients have made positive changes to their bodies and lives. Some are at the beginning of their journey to being happier and healthier.
When someone is diagnosed with diabetes, they will most likely be told that it is a progressive, incurable disease. But is that true?
We all have heard of “body and mind” exercise such as Yoga and Pilates and most of us understand that the body and the mind are connected.