At first sight, there may be little that the dismal science of economics can offer to improve our understanding of the human mind.
One characteristic of practising Pilates is that we strive to be in control of our movements and are precise about what we want to achieve.
This week I read some interesting research that concluded that the mind and body link exists not just through intuition, but also in science.
Most of the time headaches are unpleasant manifestations of pain with no specific issue within the tissues.
I am a Pilates Practitioner and centering and concentration are two of our Pilates principles. But it is not just about principles.
In 2010, I went to China for 3 months. I completely became engrossed in the whole meditation practice. I loved it.
Anxieties can find their way into our thoughts and lead to excessive worrying which is unhelpful and distracts us from our daily tasks.
Thoracic outlet syndrome is one of those neurological diagnoses to come up as strictly a nerve-related injury and not just an extra symptom.
I often get asked how Pilates is different to gym-based “Core Conditioning” classes. Some of the exercises can be very similar.
Affirmations are positive self-talk phrases that we can repeat to ourselves, which set an intention for how we want to be.