Many of us experience a lack of range of motion, tight muscles and stiff, restricted joints, due to our movement deprived, modern lifestyle.
I have been having sessions of Body Electronics for years. Amazingly, I have only just realised some of what really happens in the session.
Lovesickness is not really a laughing matter – with approximately 10% of murders said to involve sexual jealousy and unrequited love.
The Squat, an exercise that takes you through a sitting to standing and standing to sitting motion, is one of the most popular exercises.
Disc herniations are often known as slipped discs, which is a horrible term as it nurtures visuals of things moving around in our spines.
I decided to talk about regularity of treatment in this vlog due to the pattern or some participants that were injured.
Jonathan Rauch’s book ‘The Happiness curve’ is an excellent study of midlife, a time characterised by clichés of red open-top sports cars.
The National Osteoporosis Society says that more than 3 million people in the UK are estimated to have Osteoporosis.
Have you ever heard of Yoga Therapy but are not quite sure what it actually is? It’s a growing field with lots of evidence supporting it.
You may have found that in Yoga and Pilates classes you’ve been told to breathe in very different ways at different times during exercise.