To an observer, a Feldenkrais class appears that nothing much is happening. The participants seem to be moving slowly as though in a trance.
May 18th and 19th this year saw therapists from across the world gather for the third BrainWorking Recursive Therapy World Congress.
It was when I began to study movement at a deeper level that I began to understand why pulling the navel towards to spine was not a good idea.
The report, which was published this month, involved the asking of four questions to members of the public and them ranking their answers.
Dry needling and acupuncture both involve puncturing the skin with thin needles for therapeutic purposes and should not be confused.
Most of us have heard that Pilates is great for back pain. However, when it comes to problematic knees, we less commonly think of Pilates.
Students are buckling under the pressure of exams, with some missing school and others being described anti-depressants.
BWRT or BrainWorking Recursive Therapy has certainly been making waves in the world of therapy – transforming the work of therapists.
Pilates is a body and mind oriented movement practice, which is often used in combination with injury rehabilitation.
To most people, It feels so good to have the longer, lighter days and warmer weather but for others, summer seems like a dangerous time.