Category Archives: Yoga & Pilates
When I teach my Pilates classes we may speed things up a little here and there to pick up the energy and to explore moving in other tempos.
Somatic Experiencing (SE) was developed by Clinical Psychologist and Author Peter Levine, as a way to help people overcome PTSD.
In my work as a Movement Therapist and Pilates Practitioner, I ask my clients this question over and over “How does that feel?”
It was when I began to study movement at a deeper level that I began to understand why pulling the navel towards to spine was not a good idea.
Most of us have heard that Pilates is great for back pain. However, when it comes to problematic knees, we less commonly think of Pilates.
Pilates is a body and mind oriented movement practice, which is often used in combination with injury rehabilitation.
Many of us start practising Pilates because of an injury or physical discomfort, that we aim to remedy with Pilates.
Today I am outing myself as a bit of a Star Wars fan, and beyond that, I have a seemingly silly claim to make.
There are many misconceptions about Pilates. Some say it is only for dancers, or you have to be a really flexible, fit and coordinated girl.
Many people ask me, if they should do Yoga or Pilates and what the difference between these two practices are.