Category Archives: Other Therapies
From the very beginning of our lives, we organise ourselves in response to our environment. We pull away from whatever is painful or overwhelming.
“What You Resist Persists” is a popular saying and it applies to mental health as well as to movement health.
For many people, autumn is a time where depression looms and certain health conditions become more bothersome.
Most of us experience some level of nervousness or discomfort when we suddenly feel that we are in the spotlight.
My dear mentor Betsy Polatin likes to remind us in her book “Humanumal”, that there are no such things as bad habits.
The word “trauma” used to be associated with the effects from extreme experiences such as war and natural disasters.
Joints & Muscles, Other Therapies, Sports Injury, Sports Massage, Yoga & Pilates
inHow To Run Healthily
Many of us have picked up running over the past year as an activity, as it is outdoors and does not require any equipment.
A year into this pandemic, there is much concern about the long term effects on people’s mental health. As far back as June 2020, the Office for National Statistics reported worrying indicators.
I have heard many different explanations from my patients of what they believe Sciatica is, which demonstrates how much misunderstanding there is in society.
Sometimes it’s good and right to be furious about something. Getting angry is not always wrong. For example, positive change can come from being angry at injustice or inequality.