By in Therapeutic Massage

Does Therapeutic Massage Work?

There are thousands of research studies looking at massage as a safe and natural treatment for the benefit of multiple painful conditions. Improvements have been shown within the research in musculoskeletal pain (low back and neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, muscle pain etc.) as well as more complicated postoperative and cancer-related pain and emotional anxiety disorders. Often these improvements outperform other interventions and are an easily accessible and safe treatment for individuals who are suffering.

Very few negative effects are reported in any of the research with only minor discomfort post-treatment being reported before benefits are felt 24 to 48 hours after. Massage does not appear to improve sporting performance or reduce injury risk but consistently improves post-exercise pain scores and therefore has a beneficial effect for sports people in training with less discomfort and aids with more regular training sessions. In this aspect, you would expect to indirectly improve performance.

There is considerable variation in the styles of massage making it complicated to know where to start if it is something you are investigating for yourself. Most benefits are reported when there is trust between individuals receiving the massage and those giving the massage, known as the therapeutic alliance. Expertise in diagnosis, although not imperative for a good treatment may improve your understanding of what you may get the most benefit from, and guide your decision on who to see.

Realistic expectations from you and not over-promising while underdelivering from the therapist
may drive trust in one therapist from another.

Living with less pain or knowing what to do when pain is negatively impacting your quality of life has a very reassuring effect on sufferers, whether directly from less pain or alternatively from the knowledge and better understanding of what is the cause of pain that reduces pain-induced anxiety.

If massage interests you and you want a detailed explanation of why you are potentially suffering, and a guide to getting out of pain, then contact The Body Matters on 01702 714968 where we can direct you to the best therapist for you.

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