How to Tap the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Using the Power of the Present Moment to Achieve Breakthroughs / Stop overthinking. Don’t search for answers; just let them come to you.
Has this ever happened to you? You’re thinking and thinking about a problem yet no matter how hard you focus it seems that you’re stuck. You’ve already gone over the problem several times. You have tried to redefine it. You’ve looked at it from different angles. You’ve even written down the pros and cons. It seems that no matter what you do and regardless of how you think about the problem, nothing seems to come of it.
A lot of this has to do with the fact that your conscious mind can easily get stuck in a holding pattern. If you’ve ever been on a plane that was trying to land at a busy airport, you probably have experienced a holding pattern before. Your plane circles around a city several times, delaying the moment of your arrival. When the runway clears and your plane is given the green light to land, your pilot will then break the holding pattern and start the descent. That’s how planes work.
It’s not much different with your thoughts. When your mind is burning precious energy trying to achieve some sort of breakthrough because you find yourself at an impasse, it goes into a holding pattern. It’s as if you can’t think of anything new. You just keep revisiting the same things over and over again.
It’s the same when you lose your keys. When was the last time you lost your keys? I’m willing to bet that when you were looking for your keys, you kept checking at the places that you checked before. At the back of your mind, you know that your keys aren’t there. After all, you just checked a few minutes before, but you just can’t stop yourself going back to check again and again and again.
You tell yourself that maybe you just didn’t look properly. Perhaps they’re stuck somewhere – down the back of the sofa perhaps. Or maybe you put them in the fridge! Possibly, you just didn’t pay enough attention…. And so you go on, repeating this pattern over and over again. That’s how your mind works.
Unfortunately, this habit doesn’t get us any closer to the solution, particularly with our mind.. How can it? You keep revisiting the same process. As the old saying goes, insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. How can you achieve different results when you’re doing the same thing?
Everything changes when you shift your strategy to simply focus on the present moment. This gives you the chance to focus on the issue right here, right now. In other words, you can direct all your creative and imaginative resources to the right problem at the right time and in the right place. This is definitely better than worrying about ‘what if’s?’ – stuff that may or may not happen – or, even worse, crying over spilt milk, things from your past that can’t be changed.
By learning to tap into the present moment you start looking at your situation differently. You may have already learned how to do this through mindfulness or meditation practices. If not you may simply need to become aware that this is an option when you are quiet, relaxed and still as this is when your subconscious mind can enter the picture. Your subconscious mind is very powerful. It enables you to achieve breakthroughs and lightbulb moments when you thought these were simply not possible.
If you would like to know more about how to tap the power of your subconscious mind with ease, please get in touch by calling Judy on 07767 636302 to book a free 20-minute phone chat.
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