Wellbeing in the Workplace

There has been a lot of discussion around wellbeing at the moment, the current pandemic has impacted almost everyone to some degree. Wellbeing can be hard to define though because it’s quite subjective, varying from person-to-person and is a much broader concept than simple in-the-moment happiness.
Improving wellbeing in the workplace is not an easy task. Employers have a responsibility to do as much as they can to promote personal and professional resilience. Not only is a happy workforce more productive, but it reduces absenteeism, and improves morale and health.
A wellbeing program should be considered alongside all of the different benefits employers typically offer, such as a retirement or pension plan, private healthcare, holiday pay, or maternity leave.
According to Mind.org 60 per cent of employees say they’d feel more motivated and more likely to recommend their organisation as a good place to work if their employer took action to support mental wellbeing.
Smart employers know that organisations perform better when staff are healthy, motivated and focused. At The Body Matters, we have been helping companies understand how people are adapting to this new set of circumstances and what they can do to help relieve some of the stresses and strains caused. Below are some words from a recent client:
My sessions with Louise have been very useful. She is great in supporting me to navigate through settling in (being a newbie in the company).
She has challenged me to deeply self-reflect on my priorities and energy, health and general wellness and Covid worries. She was extremely empathetic and helpful in supporting me through the death of a family member. I have appreciated having her expertise and guidance in the workplace.
- Increased self-awareness
- Increased confidence
- Connects you with your feelings; to feel, understand and sit with them. And find safe ways back to them and to understand them
- Insights and tools to help manage my inner story and improve my self esteem
- Help (albeit forceful at times 😉) at managing stress and taking time out to protect and develop my mental wellbeing – both during and in between the sessions li>Someone to talk too – to talk about what’s going on in your life; without judgement
- Improved overall outlook on life – bringing more balance to how I feel and look at my life
- Helps you process difficult times, emotions and thoughts
- The discussions give you greater resilience at tackling and getting through what life chucks at you
Professional / Work
- Increased confidence – helps me to understand why I am reacting to what’s happening to me; to hold the mirror up and show you what can be seen from an alternate perspective (generally a more positive perspective)
- Coaching of the inner self – not just the professional self, but the person within. Improving how I show up at work.
- Provides challenge – challenges what you say and tell yourself when in or reflecting on work situations. Forces you to think outside your own head
- Helps manage stress – giving you the tools to cope in the moment and bring practices to your daily work routine that improve the overall
- Some time to reflect and clarify what I really want to achieve – both at home and at work
- Some support/friendly challenge to discuss specific problems and issues – both at home and at work
I guess overall Louise has helped me to hold up a mirror to myself. It’s really easy to lose that time to reflect in the busy-ness of everyday life and I’ve really valued the time to pause and take stock, supported by a thoughtful third party. I think that it’s given me some new perspectives.
To discuss wellbeing in the workplace or to find out how we can help, contact Louise at The Body Matters on 01702 714968. We also offer remote consultations via Zoom to provide our services without physical interaction.
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