For When the Body Needs a Little Help from the Mind

So, you’ve been on an endless hunt for the solutions to your dis-ease. Maybe you have Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, a back issue, psoriasis, IBS, Raynauds Syndrome, women’s issues, Crohn’s disease, even Multiple Scelrosis and Cancer and many £s later and much pill taking, needles, nutritional advice, body adjustments and bone cracking later, you are still with the condition.
Psychotherapy? Hypnotherapy? Who knows?
After all that trying and searching it would initially seem that you have come to the end of the line and you are simply doomed to have this dis-ease for the rest of your life. In your desperation you’ve started to seek out other less tangible interventions, from crystal healing to hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, but even worse, is trying to find the practitioner you know could help. Either way, you’re still searching out there for answers: and the question is, who is ‘qualified’ enough to be able to signpost you in the right direction when there are so many modalities to choose from and so many therapists all wanting your business?
What about the stigma of working with the mind?
I feel for you. It is a minefield. If I hadn’t experienced my own healing from a kind of inner awakening, it would seem to me too like a task too great to take on. To find someone out there who ‘gets’ me and who might be able to show me how to take care of my inner world and emotional wellbeing better without all the stigma of ‘psycho’ or in some people’s opinions, even worse, ‘new age hippie’ attached to the process would seem an impossible task. And then of course, there’s the leap of faith that working on the emotional/mental/spiritual level will actually create any difference! It can feel easier to stay divorced from our own inner worlds.
Do you know who you really are?
The truth is though, medicine, pharmaceuticals, junk and fast food corporations have distracted us from knowing ourselves. Doctors promise to ‘fix’ you even though they confess in private conversations that they often haven’t a clue, and pharmaceuticals create designer drugs said to ‘manage’ every ill we might have despite the fact that almost none of the drugs actually heal or remove a condition, while junk and fast food companies dumb down our clarity of mind by promoting foods that are nutrient poor and calorie rich so that our brains and nervous systems are literally starving for nutrients.
Have you not yet found anyone who can really help with your dis-ease?
So without getting any more political than necessary to stress a point, what I’m trying to convey is that very probably your first port of call to look for solutions to your dis-ease has been to seek help in all these places where there are literally no real answers. Not one of these people holds THE answer to your condition. And as you’ve been on your search, you’ve probably even met with a variety of alternative therapies who have some fantastic results with certain types of people and conditions, but unfortunately, not with you. So perhaps now you’re prepared to look at your psychological and emotional consciousness, the curious part of our humanity that gets so conveniently ignored by most medical and physical interventions.
I healed myself – this is how!
In 2000 when I was involved in my own training to do this amazing work with the unconscious mind, I was suffering with IBS. I was swollen and bloated, I was constantly tired and had for a few years, had a break out of acne on my face. My digestion was badly disrupted creating either constipation or diarrheah – if you’ve been there you’ll know how it feels. I’d come off wheat and dairy, taken probiotics, and sea weed alongside other things and though it wasn’t completely useless, I was still far from healed. Then one day on my training, I experienced a shift. I realised that my whole body was in red alert all of the time due to a stressful situation that appeared to have no end in sight. Not only did I realise the effects of this difficult situation on me but I also suddenly saw, like a kaleidoscopic magnifying glass, that this stressful mindset had been with me since as far back as I could remember.
My ‘normal’ was to be stressed
Because it was MY normal, I hadn’t been able to see it before. But now I could. The shift was profound. It caused me to doubt all of my previously held beliefs. And in the doubting, I could start organically creating new ones. There was a great sense of freedom and liberation and I surrendered to simply not having all the answers and learning again as though I was a child, with all the trust and faith that children have of the world.
Little did I know at the time, that this breakthrough literally removed all my internal stressors from my body. It was only a few months later, when I realised my digestion was massively and consistently improved, that I pinpointed it had cleared since that life changing breakthrough. And what a time to have a such an insight, when I was training to do this amazing work.
Which dis-eases exactly are we talking about?
Since that time I have been able to profoundly understand the links between the mind and the body, intuitively knowing and understanding how dis-ease works and how, with the right intervention and your willingness to really take an emotional inventory, you can cure yourself.
I’ve treated people with
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
• Fibromyalgia
• Crohns Disease
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Raynaud’s Syndrome
• Cancer
• Psoriasis
• Eczema
• Pain Management
• High Blood Pressure
• Dystonia
• Migraines
• Erectile Dysfunction
• Prolapsed Womb
• Hormonal issues for women
And often, the dis-ease they present with is not the issue we are treating. Just like my own healing that I describe above, often people present with emotional issues and experience the benefits of psychological work as healing in their bodies. At other times, people present with a physical issue and are surprised when we actually do a proper emotional, mental and spiritual inventory of how they live their lives. Occasionally, people are afraid to take a deeper inventory and almost need their disease as a form of identity. And some people, really ready to grow, are chomping at the bit to release tired beliefs to step into something transformational and liberating. Creating awareness of your choices is a profound gift. When you can make a proper, internally driven choice for your health and wellbeing you are in charge of your life.
We are one – Mind and Body
The lesson I have learned is that we are one. Despite the fact that society has created a speciality for every part of our body and area of our lives, from medicine to our choice of heating fuel, we are still just one whole, organic individual – a product of our environment, of our choices, and of our beliefs. If we embrace that in its fullness, then we can reclaim the control over our inner world and health that we have lost, and choose health – not wait for someone to give it to us.
Are you ready to meet me for a session?
My sessions offer a full inventory of who you are and what you present with, whether the issue is physical or emotional, is, for me, irrelevant. You are one organic whole. If you want to experience wellbeing on all levels, then let’s work together to discover the answers that are already dormant at the core of your life.
Be prepared to have to change things, diet, living conditions, jobs, family situations, activity levels, mind set, and learn to find the courage to face your challenges with a trusted therapist. Change isn’t just about changing what doesn’t work, it’s about embracing the new, about awakening your vitality and choosing a way of living that excites you.
My modalities explained
I work integratively – ie: with multidisciplinary approaches from Psychotherapy through Hypnotherapy in their very many modalities – and transpersonally – intuitively and insightfully to be able to draw out the unspoken message of the body and mind. I can even work with touch and tantra alongside psychological work with selected individuals to liberate them from sexual misery and rediscover their body’s natural ability to take pleasure. This is deep work and not suitable for everyone. However, with a 360˚ perspective on who you are, this enables me to treat all of you as an integrated whole and not just symptomatically or as a collection of parts.
Tailoring your sessions
Each set of sessions is tailored to your uniqueness. I invite you to get in touch so we can have a chat and discuss which is the best way forward for you. If the above article tells your story, I’m very happy to share your journey with you for the next short while to help liberate you from your limiting beliefs. You have my full attention.
- What Happens When You Bottle Up Your Emotions - 18th May 2018
- 7 Tips to Help with Chronic Fatigue - 10th November 2017
- Nature’s Medicine – How Growing Your Own Veg Treats Mind, Body and Spirit - 24th February 2017